<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <%option explicit%> <% '****************************************************************** ' Software name:KesionCMS X1.5 ' Email: service@kesion.com . 营销QQ:4000080263 Tel:400-008-0263 ' Web: http://www.kesion.com http://www.kesion.cn ' Copyright (C) Kesion Network All Rights Reserved. '****************************************************************** Dim KSCls Set KSCls = New Link KSCls.Kesion() Set KSCls = Nothing Const FuzzySearch = 0 '设为1支持模糊查找,但会加大系统资源的开销,如比如搜索“xp 2003”,包含xp和2003两者的、只包含其中一个的,都能搜索出来。 Class Link Private KS,ChannelID,ModelTable,Param,XML,Node,StartTime Private CurrPage,MaxPerPage,TotalPut,PageNum,Key,stype,OrderStr Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set KS=New PublicCls MaxPerPage=10 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Call CloseConn() Set KS=Nothing End Sub Public Sub Kesion() Dim RefreshTime:RefreshTime =2 '设置防刷新时间 If DateDiff("s", Session("SearchTime"), Now()) < RefreshTime Then Response.Write "
正在打开页面,请稍后……" Response.End End If Session("SearchTime")=Now() Dim Template,KSR FCls.RefreshType = "search" Set KSR = New Refresh Template = KSR.LoadTemplate(KS.Setting(3) & KS.Setting(90) & TemplatePath & "/search.html") Template = KSR.KSLabelReplaceAll(Template) Set KSR = Nothing StartTime = Timer() InitialSearch Scan Template End Sub Sub ParseArea(sTokenName, sTemplate) Select Case sTokenName Case "loop" If IsObject(XML) Then For Each Node In Xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("row") Scan sTemplate Next Else echo "
" End If End Select End Sub Sub ParseNode(sTokenType, sTokenName) Select Case lcase(sTokenType) case "item" EchoItem sTokenName case "search" select case sTokenName case "showpage" echo KS.ShowPage(totalput, MaxPerPage, "", CurrPage,false,false) case "totalput" echo TotalPut case "leavetime" dim leavetime:leavetime=FormatNumber((timer-starttime),5) if leavetime<1 then leavetime="0"&leavetime echo leavetime case "keyword" echo KS.R(key) case "channelid" echo channelid case "stype" echo stype end select End Select End Sub Sub EchoItem(sTokenName) Select Case sTokenName case "id" echo GetNodeText("id") case "linkurl" If ChannelID=0 Then echo "show.asp?m=" & GetNodeText("channelid") &"&d=" & GetNodeText("infoid") ElseIf ChannelID=9 Then echo "exam/index.asp?id=" & GetNodeText("id") Else echo "show.asp?m=" & ChannelID &"&d=" & GetNodeText("id") End If case "classname" If ChannelID=102 Then echo GetNodeText("pclassname") & GetNodeText("classname") Else echo KS.C_C(GetNodeText("tid"),1) End If case "classurl" If ChannelID=102 Then echo KS.GetDomain & "ask/showlist.asp?id=" & Node.SelectSingleNode("@classid").text Else echo KS.Setting(3) & KS.WSetting(4) &"/list.asp?id="&GetNodeText("tid") End If case "intro" Dim Intro:intro=KS.Gottopic(KS.LoseHtml(GetNodeText("intro")),160) Intro=Replace(Intro," ","") If Not KS.IsNul(Key) Then echo Replace(Intro,key,"" & key & "") Else echo intro End If case else echo GetNodeText(sTokenName) End Select End Sub Function GetNodeText(NodeName) Dim N,Str NodeName=Lcase(NodeName) If IsObject(Node) Then set N=node.SelectSingleNode("@" & NodeName) If Not N is Nothing Then Str=N.text If Not KS.IsNul(Key) And NodeName="title" Then Dim I,KeyWordArr:KeyWordArr=Split(Key," ") For I=0 To Ubound(KeyWordArr) Str=Replace(Str,KeyWordArr(i),"" &KeyWordArr(i) & "") Next End If GetNodeText=Str End If End Function Sub InitialSearch() Dim FieldStr,SqlStr,TopStr,TopNum ChannelID=KS.ChkClng(Request("M")) CurrPage=KS.ChkClng(Request("Page")) If CurrPage<=0 Then CurrPage=1 Key=KS.CheckXSS(KS.R(KS.S("Key"))) stype=KS.ChkClng(Request("stype")) If ChannelID=102 Then Param=" Where LockTopic=0" Else Param=" Where Verific=1 and deltf=0" End If If Not KS.IsNul(Key) Then select case stype case 100 if IsDate(Key) Then Param=Param & " And AddDate>=#" & Key & " 00:00:00# and AddDate<=#" &Key& " 23:59:59#" End If case 2 If ChannelID=102 Then Param=Param & " And Title Like '%" & Key & "%'" Else Select Case KS.C_S(ChannelID,6) case 1 Param=Param & " And ArticleContent Like '%" & Key & "%'" case 2 Param=Param & " And PictureContent Like '%" & Key & "%'" case 3 Param=Param & " And DownContent Like '%" & Key & "%'" case 4 Param=Param & " And FlashContent Like '%" & Key & "%'" case 5 Param=Param & " And ProIntro Like '%" & Key & "%'" case 7 Param=Param & " And MovieContent Like '%" & Key & "%'" case 8 Param=Param & " And GQContent Like '%" & Key & "%'" End Select End If case 3 If ChannelID=102 Then Param=Param & " And UserName Like '%" & Key & "%'" Else Param=Param & " And inputer Like '%" & Key & "%'" End If case else if FuzzySearch=1 then Dim KeyParam KeyParam=AutoKey(key,"Title") If KeyParam<>"" Then Param=Param & " And " & KeyParam End If Else Param=Param & " and title like '%" & Key & "%'" End If end select TopNum=0 Else TopNum=1000 rem 没有输入关键词只列表最新1000条记录 End If if request("classid")<>"" and request("classid")<>"0" then If ChannelID<>102 Then Param=Param & " And Tid In(" & KS.GetFolderTid(KS.S("ClassID")) & ")" end if end if If TopNum<>0 Then TopStr=" Top " & TopNum If ChannelID=0 Then ModelTable="KS_ItemInfo" FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,ChannelID,InfoID,Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" ElseIf ChannelID=102 Then ModelTable="KS_AskTopic" FieldStr="topicid as id,classid,pclassname,classname,Title,title as Intro,DateAndTime as AddDate" Else ModelTable=KS.C_S(ChannelID,2) Select Case KS.C_S(ChannelID,6) case 1 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" case 2 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,PictureContent As Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" case 3 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,DownContent As Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" case 4 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,FlashContent As Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" case 5 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,ProIntro As Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" case 7 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,MovieContent As Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" case 8 FieldStr="ID,Tid,Title,GqContent As Intro,AddDate,Fname,photourl" End Select End If If ChannelID=102 Then Else OrderStr=" Order by ID Desc" End If SqlStr="Select " & TopStr & " " & FieldStr & " From " & ModelTable & Param & OrderStr 'ks.echo sqlstr Dim RS:Set RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET") RS.Open SqlStr,conn,1,1 If RS.Eof And RS.Bof Then Else TotalPut = Conn.Execute("select Count(1) from " & ModelTable & " " & Param)(0) If TotalPut>TopNum And TopNum<>0 Then TotalPut=TopNum If CurrPage >1 and (CurrPage - 1) * MaxPerPage < totalPut Then RS.Move (CurrPage - 1) * MaxPerPage Else CurrPage = 1 End If Set XML=KS.ArrayToXml(RS.GetRows(MaxPerPage),RS,"row","root") End If RS.Close Set RS=Nothing KeyToDataBase() End Sub Sub KeyToDataBase() If KS.IsNul(Trim(Key)) or CurrPage>1 Then Exit Sub Dim RS:Set RS=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") RS.Open "Select top 1 * From KS_KeyWords Where IsSearch=1 and KeyText='" & Key &"'",conn,1,3 If RS.Eof Then RS.AddNew RS("AddDate")=Now RS("IsSearch")=1 RS("KeyText")=Key RS("Hits")=1 End If RS("Hits")=RS("Hits")+1 RS("LastUseTime")=Now RS.Update RS.Close:Set RS=Nothing End Sub Function AutoKey(ByVal strKey,FieldName) CONST lngSubKey=2 Dim lngLenKey, Param, i, strSubKey strKey=Replace(strKey," ","") lngLenKey=Len(strKey) If lngLenKey <=1 Then AutoKey="(" & FieldName & " like '%" & strKey & "%')": Exit Function '若长度大于1,则从字符串首字符开始,循环取长度为2的子字符串作为查询条件 For i=1 To lngLenKey-(lngSubKey-1) strSubKey=Mid(strKey,i,lngSubKey) If Param="" Then Param = "(" & FieldName & " like '%" & strSubKey & "%'" Else Param=Param & " or " & FieldName & " like '%" & strSubKey & "%'" End If Next If Param<>"" Then Param=Param & ")" AutoKey=Param End Function End Class %>